
Mar 15, 2009 : EMMA R package 1.1.2 is released with a modification in the documentation also with addition of a new function emma.MLE.noX. Thanks to Jose Osorio for the bug report in the documentation.

Aug 29, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.7 is released with a modification in the kinship matrix generation algorithm. Thanks to Heidi Parker for the bug report.

Aug 18, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.5 is released with a modification in the kinship matrix generation algorithm. Thanks to Heidi Parker for the bug report.

May 16, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.4 is released with a modification in the kinship matrix generation algorithm. Thanks to Ron Crump for the additional bug report.

May 4, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.3 is released with a minor modification in the kinship matrix generation algorithm. Thanks to Ron Crump for the bug report.

Apr 24, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.2 is released with a minor modification.

Apr 17, 2008 : EMMA R package 1.0.1 is released in public.

Apr 2, 2008 : Our EMMA paper “Efficient Control of Population Structure in Model Organism Association Mapping” is published in Genetics March issue.